John Campbell

NOTE: Last year we broadcast a FIRST PERSON interview with John Campbell. It was a very popular interview as listeners responded warmly. So, here in the summer months when we feature a few re-broadcasts, we are repeating the visit with John in his California studio. 

 John Campbell is a extremely talented musician and composer, perhaps best known for his work with Adventures in Odyssey from Focus on the Family. Starting with the theme music and continuing with all of the production music, John is the principal creator. He has many other musical credits to his name as well, including the music you hear when you visit the Creation Museum or Ark Encounter.

You can learn much more about John and sample his work at his website,

While visiting John in his California studio, I put him to the test by asking him to create a piece of music on the spot– totally on the fly with no pre-thought. The video below is the result which I’m sure you will enjoy!

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